Dica Musical: Stage of Mind – Depth Hate


Nada como ouvir um bom Heavy Metal na véspera de natal! É o que eu estou fazendo neste exato momento.

Stage of Mind, da banda guarujaense Depth Hate, é a dica musical de hoje.

Som na caixa!!

Stage Of Mind

I feel taken by a sense
I’m wavering more and more
The stamped clouds in blue sky
Leaves back my bad emotional

Can you see me?
I’m here!
I’m willing to believe
I’m living
Or dying
As if it all was a puzzle

Stage, stage of mind

I can feel all my thoughts
Creating illusions around me
My blood fades away
In explosions inside my head

The day is just beginning
And when you have nothing to lose
The life seems to be better
But the abyss stays at one step




Sobre o Autor

Prof. Alex

Alex Marcelo é professor do Centro Paula Souza, torcedor do Santos FC e pai da Tatá.

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